Why join MOKAN? It’s simple:  WE WORK SO YOU CAN WORK!

MOKAN’s primary roles are to identify, create and advocate for opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses in the construction industry. We’ve been working on your behalf for more than 30 years. MOKAN understands the business and political landscape of the construction industry and we put our expertise and knowledge to work through advocacy, negotiation, collaboration, mediation and education.  

MOKAN understands that minority and women contractors are not just crafts persons but are business owners. MOKAN also recognizes that the active participation of our membership strengthens the organization and increases our effectiveness in these critical areas.  To that end, we have established the MOKAN Institute, a training and education academy designed to help you sharpen business operations and grow your company.

MOKAN members can attend the Institute free or at reduced costs. (See Institute Schedule for courses).

Additional MOKAN member benefits include:

  • Technical assistance to help you work smarter not harder!
  • Bid preparation assistance and technical support
  • Support for pre-bid conferences
  • Assistance with preparing estimates; access to the latest bid notices
  • Access to full service plan room
  • Assistance in resolving construction related disputes
  • Assistance with M/WBE Certification
  • Professional Development seminars (legal, finance, technical, etc.)
  • Marketing support
  • Assistance in preparing loan packages
  • Recognition at industry events
  • Sponsoring networking events
  • Coming soon: special discounts at local businesses and more!

Thousands of dollars in services for less than $3 per day!